Genetic instability associated with the aroC321 allele in Salmonella typhimurium involves genetic duplication

Strains of Salmonella typhimurium that contain the aroC321 allele require phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan for growth but revert to tryptophan-prototrophy at high frequencies (about 10-4 per cell plated). The Trp+ derivatives remain auxotrophic for phenylalanine and tyrosine and are genetically unstable, in that they readily give rise to cells that require all three aromatic amino acids. On the basis of growth characteristics and genetic instability, it has been proposed that reversion to tryptophan-prototrophy in aroC321 strains occurs by genetic duplication. This paper provides genetic evidence in support of that hypothesis. The data indicate, moreover, that the tryptophan prototrophs contain a duplication that extends at least from glpT to xyl, a region of greater than 30% of the Salmonella chromosome. The aroC locus is found within the duplicated region, and aroC321/aroC321 merodiploids apparently grow as tryptophan prototrophs because of a genedosage effect.