In a study of cephaline gregarines of lepismatid insects from Ceylon and England, the following distribution is noted: Gregarina lagenoides in Lepisma saccharina in England; Lepismatophila thermobiae in Lepisma saccharina and Thermobia domestic a in England and in Acrotelsa collar is in Ceylon; Colepismatophila watsonae in Acrotelsa collaris in Ceylon; Lepismatophila sp. and Colepismatophila sp. (probably a new sp. with spore-filaments distinctly shorter than those of C. watsonae) in Peliolepisma calva in Ceylon. A gregarine closely resembling both Gregarina aciculata recorded probably from a sp. of Ctenolepisma in India, and G. ctenolepismae from Ctenolepisma longi-caudata in Australia, was found in the anterior mid-gut and mid-gut sacculi of Peliolepisma calva in Ceylon. The Indian, Australian and Ceylonese spp. of gregarine are considered as belonging to the one sp., aciculata, which is placed in a new genus GARNHAMIA on account of the absence of a protomerite, tethering of nucleus at the anterior end of the deutomerite, and precocious syzygy.

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