DNA restriction and modification enzymes are responsible for the hostspecific barriers to interstrain and interspecies transfer of genetic information that have been observed in a variety of bacterial cell types. Although the phenomenon of host specificity was initially observed in the early 1950s (Luria & Human, 1952; Bertani & Weigle, 1953), it was nearly a decade later that Arber and his colleagues accurately predicted the molecular basis of the phenomenon. Their experiments with bacteriophage λ demonstrated that a given host-specificity system imparts a specific modification to the viral DNA, and further, that restriction of DNA lacking the appropriate modification is s consquence of nucleolytic hydrolysis upon entry into the host cell (Arber & Dussoix, 1962; Dussoix & Arber, 1962; Arber, Hattman & Dussoix, 1963).