Ferroelectric and optical properties of lead potassium niobate

Ferroelectric, optical, and other related properties of single crystals of lead potassium niobate (PKN) have been measured. This crystal is pulled from a melt and the Curie temperature is 450±10 °C. PKN belongs to the orthorhombic system with space group C142vCm2m at room temperature and it is considered to be isomorphous with PbNb2O6 which has the tungsten‐bronze structure with its spontaneous polarization perpendicular to the tetragonal c axis. From the measured temperature dependence of refractive indices and the obtained values of electro‐optic coefficients, it is concluded that the ferroelectric and optical properties of PKN are similar to those of other oxygen‐octahedra ferroelectrics except PbTiO3 and PZT, although PKN contains Pb as a constituent element.