We study the restrictions that analyticity and positivity impose on ψ(q2), the two-point function constructed with the trace of the energy-momentum tensor of an asymptotically free gauge theory with dynamical symmetry breaking. The Adler-Zee formula for the induced gravitational constant is (16πGind)1=(112)ψ(0). We place particular emphasis on the question of the sign of Gind. This sign is related to the distribution and type of zeros of ψ(q2). We prove that for the case of asymptotic freedom ψ has at most two zeros. We investigate all possible cases and show that the Gind is potentially positive in three but each has a different sign of ψ(0), one ψ(0)>0, one ψ(0)<0, and one ψ(0)=0. Thus in the end only one case can survive. We derive convergent sum rules for (Gind)1 in each case and determine the sign of ψ(0), and the sign of ψ(Q2) as Q2. This last sign gives us a check on whether the renormalization procedure is consistent with positivity.