Primary actinomycosis of the skin independent of involvement of the viscera and bones is a rare disease. Truffi1 said that "exceptionally the process can be limited to the skin without involving the contiguous tissues" and that "some authors deny the existence of an Actinomycosis strictly cutaneous." The observations reported in the literature are few. For that reason, I think the following report of actinomycosis limited closely to the skin, lasting for several years, without affecting the adjoining tissues or spreading to the other parts of the body, is interesting. Is it because of an increased resistance of the skin to the growth of the fungus that it differs from the other organs or tissues? Bolognesi and Chiurco,2 in an extensive and remarkable treatise on surgical mycoses covering a great deal of the literature on the subject, devoted a considerable part to actinomycosis in general, and in the chapter