In this article the policy and regulations of the Dutch Association of Psychologists to improve the use of tests in the Netherlands are discussed. Two approaches are distinguished: the information approach and the registration approach. The Dutch Committee on Testing Affairs works primarily from the information approach point of view, such as in their regular publication of a Documentation of Tests, their rating of tests and the translation of the APA Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. Both the history of the registration approach in the Netherlands and its present situation are discussed. The development and the official introduction in 1994 of a system of registration for psychologists who administer tests are considered a great improvement. Three categories of tests and test users were defined in the regulation with regard to buying permits. In the final section some suggestions are made for further improvement, such as a better underpinning of the registration system, taking care of a greater acceptance of the regulation in the field of work and organization, and standardizing courses in test training.