This paper describes a method for volume data compression and rendering which bases on wavelet splats. The underlying concept is especially designed for distributed and networked applications, where we assume a remote server to maintain large scale volume data sets, being inspected, browsed through and rendered interactively by a local client. Therefore, we encode the server’s volume data using a newly designed wavelet based volume compression method. A local client can render the volumes immediately from the compression domain by using wavelet footprints, a method proposed earlier. In addition, our setup features full progression, where the rendered image is refined progressively as data comes in. Furthermore, framerate constraints are considered by controlling the quality of the image both locally and globally depending on the current network bandwidth or computational capabilities of the client. As a very important aspect of our setup, the client does not need to provide storage for the volume data and can be implemented in terms of a network application. The underlying framework enables to exploit all advantageous properties of the wavelet transform and forms a basis for both sophisticated lossy compression and rendering. Although coming along with simple illumination and constant exponential decay, the rendering method is especially suited for fast interactive inspection of large data sets and can be supported easily by graphics hardware.