Two-dimensional packing in prolate granular materials

We investigate the two-dimensional packing of extremely prolate (aspect ratio α=L/D>10) granular materials, comparing experiments with Monte Carlo simulations. The average packing fraction of particles with aspect ratio α=12 is 0.68±0.03. We quantify the orientational correlation of particles and find a correlation length of two particle lengths. The functional form of the orientational correlation is the same in both experiments and simulations which three orders of magnitude in aspect ratio, all decaying over a distance of two particle lengths. It is possible to identify voids in the pile with sizes ranging over two orders of magnitude. The experimental void distribution function is a power law with exponent β=2.43±0.08. Void distributions in simulated piles do not decay as a power law, but do show a broad tail. We extend the simulation to investigate the scaling at very large aspect ratios. A geometric argument predicts the pile number density to scale as α2. Simulations do indeed scale this way, but particle alignment complicates the picture, and the actual number densities are quite a bit larger than predicted.