Mass of the Meson by the Method of Momentum Loss

Observations on the curvature of the track of a meson before and after traversal of a known amount of matter allow a determination of the mass of the particle. A discussion is presented of the accuracy and advantages of this method of measuring mass, the principle of which is well known but has so far been little used. In this connection the stopping power for fast particles has been computed on the basis of the experiments reported by R. R. Wilson in the preceding paper. Discussion of the formula used is contained in the appendix. Curves are presented for the dependence of range on energy and momentum for swift hydrogen and helium nuclei as well as for mesons. The method of momentum loss is illustrated and values are obtained for the mass of the meson from measurements published by Anderson and Neddermeyer in 1934. The evidence available from these mass determinations and those published by other authors shows the necessity for many more mass determinations before one can decide whether there is a distribution of masses of the meson or not.

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