Inelastic electron scattering by intra- and interband plasmons in rhenium trioxide, tungsten trioxide, and some tungsten bronzes

Energy-loss spectra were measured by backscattering 500-eV electrons from films of WO3 grown on single-crystal W(100), and from single crystals of Nax WO3 (0.35<x<0.86) and ReO3 which were cleaved in ultrahigh vacuum. The spectrum of a crystal with x=0.61 was nearly identical to the surface loss function Im[(ε+1)1] calculated from ε measured by optical reflectivity on a crystal with x=0.65. For x=0.61, two plasmons are observed, ω=1.90 eV, and ω+=6.5 eV. ω scales approximately as x12 and is assigned to the conduction-electron resonance. The plasmon lifetime τp=1.9×1015 sec determined from the observed linewidth agrees well with a value for the conduction-electron relaxation time τe=2.1×1015 sec we obtained from previously reported reflectivity data, but is shorter than a value τc=6.7×1015 sec we estimated from previously reported dc conductivity data. The higher-energy plasmon ω+ is assigned to a screened longitudinal resonance of an interband excitation near 5 eV. ω+ is essentially independent of x for 0x<0.9. By fitting ε between 0 and 10 eV with a model dielectric function, we found a value for the mean effective conduction electron mass m*=0.80 me, the interband contribution to the static dielectric constant εs=4.35, and values for parameters characterizing the interband resonance. Taking these latter parameters to be independent of x, we calculated the bulk and surface loss functions for different x values. These calculations indicate that mode hybridization is unimportant for x<1 in the bronzes. The effects of damping or joint density-of-states width, screening, and mode interference on the plasmon spectra are discussed. It is shown that Re