Factors affecting the establishment and growth of ‘Grasslands Huia’ white clover (Trifolium repens), ‘Grasslands Pawera’ red clover (T. pratense), and ‘Grasslands Maku’ lotus (Lotus pedunculatus) oversown on an acid, low fertility tussock grassland soil were investigated under mowing conditions. Broadcast lime increased both the establishment and growth of clovers but increased only the establishment of lotus. Lime pelleting markedly increased nodulation of white clover but had no effect on lotus. Increasing the level of P to 60 kg/ha markedly increased the production of lotus but gave only a small increase in white clover growth, a result attributed to soil acidity limiting the white clover response. Once established, legume and total (legume and grass) yields were higher from lotus alone than from white clover alone, a 50:50 lotus:white clover mixture, and a 50:50 white:red clover mixture.