Applications of microsatellite‐based Y chromosome haplotyping

Y-chromosomal microsatellites have been investigated for the purposes of application to male identification, population genetics and population history. With nine markers, every male in a German population sample (n = 70) could be identified by an individual-specific Y microsatellite haplotype. The analysis of 474 unrelated males of nine human populations with seven markers revealed 301 different Y haplotypes. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) approach was used to detect male population characteristics of Y microsatellite haplotypes. With pairwise comparisons of inter-population variance, most of the populations could be distinguished significantly. Sixty individuals from different male populations in Asia and Northern Europe carrying a novel Y-chromosomal T→C transition show reduced microsatellite variability together with haplotype similarities. Microsatellite data suggest that the mutation occurred recently in Asia, supporting the hypothesis of Asian ancestry of some northern European populations.