Host Range of Rice yellow mottle virus in Sudano-Sahelian Savannahs

In the present study, we investigated on the experimental host range of RYMV among plant species most of which are frequently encountered in rice-growing environments of west and central African savannahs. Only seven out of 66 plant species inoculated were infected by RYMV. All susceptible plant species belonged to the Poaceae family and three of them (Chloris prieuri, Eragrostis cilianensis and Shoenefeldia gracilis) were reported for the first time. Symptoms were conspicuous and persistent in most species but disappeared totally in older plants of some host species such as S. gracilis and Eragrostis tenella. Therefore, surveys for identification ofRYMV wild hosts should be conducted before the flowering stage. Virus-host Interactions were studied between 15 RYMV isolates of different strains and 10 wild host species. Differential reactions were obtained in the crow-foot grass Dactyloctenium aegyptium which was susceptible to five of the fifteen isolates. All other plants were susceptible to the whole set of virus isolates. Altogether, this study underlined the narrowness of RYMV host range and pointed out the complexity of interactions between the virus and its hosts, especially the rationale behind overcoming host barriers.