Temocillin (BRL 17421): in-vitro antibacterial activity and susceptibility to βlactamases

Temocillin, a 6-α-methoxypenicillin, was active against enterobacteria with MICs mostly in the range 1 to 16mg/l. It was also active against Haemophilus influenzae (MICs 0·5–4 mg/l) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (MICs 0·03–8 mg/l), including /Mactamase producers. The compound was not very active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MICs 128 to > 512 mg/l) and most other pseudo-monads, though it was active against Ps. cepacia and Ps. acidovorans (MICs 1–4 mg/1). Temocillin had variable activity against Acinetobacter (MICs 1–256 mg/1). It was also variably active against Gram-negative anaerobes, but less active than ampicillin. However, it had poor activity against most Gram-positive organisms, whether aerobes or anaerobes. Temocillin was resistant to hydrolysis by all the β-lactamases tested except for the enzymes from an isolate of Bacteroides ovatus and a Bact. distasonis-like organism whose β-lactamases hydrolysed temocillin slowly (at about 1% of the rate of hydrolysis of ampicillin).