Isobaric Analog States ofTi51Studied by Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Protons onTi50

The isobaric analogs of levels in Ti51 from Ex=2.05.5 MeV are observed here as resonances in (p,p) scattering on Ti50. Excitation functions for the inelastic p1(2+) and p2(4+) transitions have been determined at θlab=90 and 160° from an incident energy of 3.4-7.1 MeV. Twenty-two analog resonances have been identified within this range, and aspects of the accompanying intermediate and fine structure are discussed. Several on-resonance angular distributions have been measured. In some cases, they display marked asymmetries about 90°, indicating the presence of direct-reaction interference effects. A Breit-Wigner analysis of the elastic and inelastic data was carried out, and the resulting partial and total widths are given. The associated spectroscopic factors and excitation energies are compared with the values found from Ti50(d,p)Ti51. Several possible reaction processes are considered in the description of the resonant inelastic proton transitions to the first 0+, 3+, and 4+ states in Ti50, and information on the levels of Ti51 is discussed in terms of the core-excited model.