Swainsonine affects the processing of glycoproteins in vivo

Rats, sheep and guinea pigs treated with swainsonine excrete ‘high mannose’ oligosaccharides in urine. The major rat and guinea pig oligosaccharide is (Man)5GlcNAc whereas sheep excrete a mixture of oligosaccharides of composition (Man)2–5GlcNAc2 and (Man)3–5GlcNAc. The presence of these oligosaccharides suggests that Golgi α-D-mannosidase II as well as lysosomal α-D-mannosidase is inhibited by swainsonine resulting in storage of abnormally processed asparagine-linked glycans from glycoproteins. Altered glycoprotein processing appears to have little effect on the health of the intoxicated animal, but the accompanying lysosomal storage produces a disease state.