The structure of the anterior and the lateral funiculus of the cord of the cat was studied. Tracts distinguishable were: the medial longitudinal fascicle, the vestibulo-spinal tract, the rubro-spinal tract, the ventral and the dorsal spino-cerebellar tract and the lateral pyramidal tract. In the high cervical cord they could be easily located and circumscribed. Downward they diminished rapidly in size and grew less clearly demarcable. In the lumbar cord only the medial longitudinal fascicle, the rubro-spinal and the dorsal spino-cerebellar tract were easily located, whereas the lateral pyramidal tract could be located with some probability. In a low sacral level the medial logitudinal fascicle, the dorsal spino-cerebellar tract and the rubro-spinal tract were still visible. The tracts mentioned did not change their site in their course through the cord. However as in the caudal part of the cord the dorsal spino-cerebellar tract and the lateral pyramidal tract are much smaller than in the cervical part, the rubro-spinal tract has a much more dorsal position than in the cervical cord. The area occupied by fibers not belonging to an established tract is much larger and the contingent of fibers found in it is much larger in a low dorsal than in a high cervical segment of the cord. The character of these undefined fibers is indicated.