Differentiation Between Early and Late Membrane Antigen on Human Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines Infected With Epstein-Barr Virus. II. Immunoelectron Microscopy 2

The specificity of Epstein-Barr virus (EBY)associated membrane antigen (MA) on the membrane of cells replicating virus and on extracellular virus particles in EBY-producing human Iymphoblastoid cell lines was studied by immunoelectron microscopy. The results corroborate immunofluorescence findings and support the assumption that cells replicating EBY express on their membrane a late MA (LMA) distinct from the early MA (EMA) detected on cells devoid of viral capsid antigen and early antigens. Anti-MA sera repeatedly absorbed with EBY-infected, cytosine arabinoside-treated Raji cells retained a residual activity for the membrane of viruscontaining cells in the culture, as demonstrated by indirect immunoferritin labeling or direct immunoferritin methods with absorbed anti-MA ferritin conjugates. The specificity of the anti-LMA immunoferritin reaction was ensured by blocking experiments. The LMA and EMA were thus detected on the envelope of extracellular EB virions. Blocking of anti-MA ferritin conjugates with absorbed and unabsorbed anti-MA reagents indicated expression of both EMA and LMA on the membrane of cells replicating virus. By contrast, host-cell HL-A antigens, absent or barely detectable on the viral envelope, were readily detected on cells replicating EBY.

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