Granular Herbicides for Woody Plant Control

Granular 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid (picloram) was effective in controlling live oak(Quercus virginiana(Mill.), huisache)(Acacia farnesiana(L.), Willd.), and yaupon(Ilex vomitoriaAit.), but not honey mesquite(Prosopis juliflora(Swartz) DC. var.glandulosa(Torr.) Cockerell) in south Texas. Granular 5-bromo-3-sec-butyl-6-methyluracil (bromacil) controlled live oak and huisache. Herbicides applied to soil were usually most effective in spring and fall during periods of active brush growth. Picloram granules applied in May to a mixed stand of woody plants in Puerto Rico usually were effective. However, rates up to 30 lb/A were ineffective on some species.