The magnetic moments of the first 3/2+ states of 203, 205, 207Tl are discussed in terms of mesonic-exchange and configuration-mixing corrections. The gyromagnetic ratios of two fission isomeric states of 237Pu are discussed in terms of Nilsson states for the second well in the potential energy surface. The gyromagnetic ratios of high spin states of 164Er and 160Dy are discussed in terms of Coriolis-Anti-Pairing and Rotation-Alignment theories. A new type of seniority quantum number, related to the number of nucleons in time-reversal-conjugate states, is proposed as an explanation for the occurrence of rotational-type quadrupole moments in deformed as well as spherical nuclei. Further tests of this seniority classification are suggested on the basis of the quadrupole moments of high-spin states and first 3+ states.