The heat/mass transfer to a finite strip at small Péclet numbers

The problem of heat transfer (or mass transfer at low transfer rates) to a strip of finite length in a uniform shear flow is considered. For small values of the Péclet number (based on wall shear rate and strip length), diffusion in the flow direction cannot be neglected as in the classical Leveque solution. The mathematical problem is solved by the method of matched asymptotic expansions and expressions for the local and overall dimensionless heat-transfer rate from the strip are found. Experimental data on wall mass-transfer rates in a tube at small Péclet numbers have been obtained by the well-known limiting-current method using potassium ferrocyanide and potassium ferricyanide in sodium hydroxide solution. The Schmidt number is large, so that a uniform shear flow can be assumed near the wall. Experimental results are compared with our theoretical predictions and the work of others, and the agreement is found to be excellent.