Species Richness of the Parasitic Fungi of British Trees

The species richness of fungi associated with British trees is described by a significant species/area curve (r = 0.53, 0.01 > P > 0.001). Introduced tree species cannot be shown to have fewer fungal species than natives, per unit distributional range about Britain. Also, among natives and among introductions, older host taxa do not have more fungal species than do younger ones. This indicates the species richness of fungi to rapidly reach the limit set by host range, within ecological time. The slope of the species/area relationship for fungi is one-fourth that for insects; we propose that this is due to the inherently greater dispersability of fungi. Finally, the species/area regression residuals for fungi are correlated with those for insects (r = 0.65, 0.001 > P), suggesting plant defense mechanisms may be generally effective to plant parasites, be they insects or fungi.