Basic shock wave equations and theory of hydrodynamic impact are discussed. The impedance match method for determining Hugoniots is outlined. Empirical data from the Hugoniot can be used to calculate temperatures associated with the passage of shock waves. The bases for these calculations are described. A number of empirical equations, some of which are useful for computer calculations and others for graphical description are tabulated. It has been found that in most instances, a linear relationship exists between shock and particle velocities. Constants appearing in this relationship are listed for a large number of materials. The bulk of the compilation consists of graphs and table of shock velocity, particle velocity, pressure, relative volume and temperature associated with shocks. For almost all materials, shock velocity is plotted against pressure and pressure against relative volume. In some instances where shock velocity is not linearly related to particle velocity, graphs relating the two have been drawn. The final section is a reasonable complete bibliography listing the papers, reports, and books which contain dynamic equation of state data.