In addition to pulmonary tuberculosis case finding, the 70-mm. film chest survey is useful in screening for malignant and non-malignant lung tumors, cardiac enlargement and a variety of other types of chest pathology. Among 156,724 persons there were 13 cases of pulmonary carcinoma; 10 primary. If all questionnaires had been returned completed, 17 primary cases might have been found. 9 of the 10 primary cases found were far advanced. These surveys must be greatly increased before enough early cases of lung cancer can be given effective surgical treatment. Among 43,202 persons in which cardiac suspects were studied, there were 76 cases of heart disease, of which 10% were previously undiagnosed. If all questionnaires had been completed approx. 211 cases of heart disease could have been found. In addition to its case finding service the X-ray survey has professional educational value in that it presents physicians with challenging diagnostic problems. Wider use and study of the small-film chest survey is recommended.