Walking technicolor signatures at hadron colliders

Aspects of the dynamics of walking technicolor models are expected to have important consequences for technihadron production at hadron colliders. Hard-mass enhancements characteristic of walking technicolor raise technipion (πT) masses relative to technirho (ρT) masses so that the decays ρTπTπT are either suppressed or forbidden altogether. Thus, ρT can be unusually narrow with unconventional decay modes. Large weak isospin breaking in U- and D-technifermion masses (required for tb splitting) leads to neutral ρT and πT that are ideally mixed. Finally, multiscale models of walking technicolor in which the light-scale technifermions carry ordinary SU(3) color can have color-octet ρT's which are produced strongly in parton-parton collisions and are within reach of the Fermilab Tevatron. These would appear as narrow, well-separated ρD¯D and ρU¯U resonances in dijet production or in πTπT production with a limited number of final states. These expectations are illustrated in a multiscale model containing both techniquarks and technileptons at the light scale. Depending on assumptions that determine the fundamental chiral-symmetry-breaking mass parameters of the model, we find two generic phenomenologies: (A) ρD¯D with a mass of 200-250 GeV decaying exclusively to dijets and ρU¯U in the mass range 350-550 GeV decaying to a few πTπT combinations; (B) ρD¯D with a mass of 375-425 GeV and ρU¯U in the mass range 500-700 GeV both decaying to a few πTπT modes. The ρD¯Ddijet signal of case A is large at all colliders and can be sought now at the Tevatron. The πTπT production rates in both cases are of ∼10 pb at the Tevatron and ∼10 nb at the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC). The technipions can be sought in the next high-luminosity run of the Tevatron and may be excludable if backgrounds are not too severe. Experiments at the SSC certainly should be able to determine whether they exist.

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