Reactions of e t with several solutes have been investigated over a wide range of temperature in 50/50 v/v ethylene glycol + water (EG + H2O) and 10 mol dm–3 OH aqueous solutions. In the fluid media the reactions are generally diffusion controlled, and values of the encounter radius, r, between e t and solute have been estimated by applying the theory of time-dependent rate constants to the kinetics. In the rigid media the reaction rate of e t with solutes is independent of temperature and proportional to log (time). The rate varies from one solute to another, and is faster in 10 mol dm–3 OH than in EG + H2O. The kinetics are consistent with e t tunnelling from trap to trap in the matrix and reacting with the solute when it becomes trapped within the encounter radius r. Independent assessments of r from tunnelling kinetics agree well with those obtained from diffusion kinetics. The e dry capture efficiency of each solute has been estimated from its effect on G(e t). The efficiencies of H+, Cu2+ and Fe(CN)5NO2– are negligibly small, which is in marked contrast to their high reactivities with e t. Evidence for long lived encounter pairs of e t and H+, e t and Cu2+, and e t and SeO2– 4 at low temperatures is presented.