Rabbit Endometrial Relaxin: Immunohistochemical Localization during Preimplantation, Pregnancy, and Lactation1

Relaxin was localized in rabbit endometrium (but not ovary) on Days 4 - 30 of pregnancy and Days 2 - 5 of lactation. The hormone was not observed on Days 2 and 3 post coitus. Relaxin was found in endometrial glands throughout the length of the uterus on Days 4 - 9 post coitus. Later, on Days 11 - 23, relaxin was localized in both uterine endometrial gland cells and luminal epithelial cells. At this time, staining was observed only in the endometrium directly associated with implantation sites. Areas between implantation sites were devoid of staining. On Days 25 - 30 of pregnancy, relaxin was found mainly in uterine luminal epithelial cells. Few glands were observed with relaxin. During the first week of lactation, the staining profile was the same as that observed on Days 25 - 30. Relaxin was not found in the endometrium of pseudopregnant rabbits (Days 1, 4, 8, 12, and 16). The early appearance of uterine relaxin at the time the blastocyst migrates into the uterine cavity coupled with the hormone''s later confinement to implantation sites suggests that the blastocyst initiates and the conceptus maintains uterine relaxin.