The establishment of a cell line (NH-AR) from a human nodular lymphoma and a comparison with lymphoblastoid cell line

A cell line (NH-AR strain) has been established in vitro from a patient with malignant lymphoma, nodular histiocytic type, and maintained in continuous growth for more than 18 months. The cells grew floating in the culture medium forming characteristic balls. The doubling time of the total cell population was 38.4 hours. Surface and cytoplasmic immunoglobulin synthesis were monoclonal γ heavy chain and λ light chain. Chromosome analysis of the cell line revealed 47/48,XY,+A with a mode of 47,XY, +1,1p-,t(2q-;3pt+),t(18q-;14q+); which was identical to that obtained from the biopsied lymph node. Ultrastructurally, tight interdigitation of the cytoplasmic processes was reminiscent of the labyrinthine structure of the nodular lymphoma cells. Its nodular growth pattern is discussed in relation to other lymphoblastoid cell lines.