Classification of wheat varieties by isoelectric focusing patterns of gliadins and neural network

Classification of wheat varieties, using isoelectric focusing patterns of the gliadins, image processing and neural networks, is described. The method was compared to a statistical classification method, discriminant analysis. The isoelectric point and the area of each band were calculated by image processing. Different methods of presenting the electrophoretic patterns to the neural network were studied. The most effective method was transformation of the electrophoretic pattern to a small (11 × 47 pixels) representation of the original digitized image, which was presented to the neural network as a vector. The neural network was trained with a number of patterns and tested with new patterns from different electrophoretic runs of the same wheat varieties. In this study we used ten different wheat varieties and the neural network was able to classify 95.5% of the patterns correctly. The statistical classification method classified the same data set 91.8% correctly. We conclude that both the neural network and discriminant analysis were able to classify the patterns correctly with a high degree of certainty. The patterns that were misclassified were indistinguishable by visual inspection.