Purpose: To evaluate the intraoperative findings, complication rates, effect of intracameral adrenaline, and incidence of intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) in patients using tamsulosin. Methods: In this prospective nonrandomized observational study, 858 eyes of 774 patients who had phacoemulsification between August 2005 and November 2006 were evaluated. Duration and preoperatively discontinuing time of tamsulosin intake were questioned. Preoperative pupil size, intraoperative iris behavior, progressive miosis, adrenalin usage, and complications were recorded. Results: The incidence of IFIS was 1.6% and IFIS was seen in 14 of the 18 eyes of patients using tamsulosin (77.8%). One eye had floppy iris only, 2 eyes had floppy iris and intraoperative miosis, 3 eyes had floppy iris and iris prolapse, and 8 eyes had all three signs of IFIS. IFIS was seen in 7 of the 10 eyes where intracameral adrenaline was used, and in 7 of the 8 eyes without adrenaline (p=0.588). Intraoperative miosis was seen only in 3 of the 10 eyes with adrenaline and in 7 of the 8 eyes without adrenaline (p=0.025). Posterior capsule rupture occurred in 1 of the eyes with IFIS and in 5 eyes focal iris stromal atrophy caused by prolapse was seen. Conclusions: IFIS occurred in 1.6% of cases having phacoemulsification. Intracameral adrenaline usage did not change the IFIS occurrence rate, but it seemed to be effective in preventing intraoperative miosis. There are still many questions about IFIS, and there is need for future studies strengthening the understanding of IFIS.