We discussed how neutrino masses and oscillations are radiatively generated in an $SU(3)_L$ $\times$ $U(1)_N$ gauge model with a symmetry based on $L_e-L_\mu-L_\tau$ ($\equiv$$L^\prime$). The model is characterized by lepton triplets $\psi^i=(\nu^i,\ell^{-i},E^{-i})$, where $E^{-i}$ are negatively charged heavy leptons, an $SU(3)_L$ triplet Higgs scalar $\xi$ and a singlet Higgs scalar $k^{++}$. These Higgs scalars can be interpreted as a Zee's and Zee-Babu's scalar for radiative mechanisms. We demonstrated that the mass hierarchy of $\Delta m_{atm}^2$ $\gg$ $\Delta m_\odot^2$ arise as a consequence of the dynamical hierarchy between $L^\prime$-conserving one-loop effects and $L^\prime$-violating two-loop effects, and our model is relevant to yield quasivacuum solution for solar neutrino problem.

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