Genetic study of a new X-linked recessive immunodeficiency syndrome.

Seven forms of X-linked (XL) immunodeficiency have been described (XL agammaglobulinemia, XL severe combined immunodeficiency [SCID], Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, XL chronic granulomatous disease, XL hyper-IgM syndrome with low IgG and IgA, and XL lymphoproliferative syndrome), and properdine deficiency. Although there are (some) phenotypic variants, diagnosis is relatively simple on the basis of clinical, immunological, and genetic characteristics. We studied a family in which several males were affected by severe infections and whose pedigree suggested recessive XL inheritance of an immunodeficiency. Immunologic and genetic studies (X inactivation patterns in females and restriction fragment length polymorphism [RFLP] segregation) were performed in order to characterize the immunodeficiency. The propositus, a 5-yr-old boy, was found to have a severe and progressive T- and B-cell functional immunodeficiency characterized by defective antigen-specific responses. No lymphocyte subsets or membrane anomalies were detected and the immunodeficiency did not correspond to usual XL forms. Studies of DNA from two of the informative females, the mother and one sister revealed nonrandom X chromosome inactivation of T cells and, partially, B cells but not PMN, a pattern similar to that observed in XL SCID carriers. RFLP studies identified a haplotype segregating with the abnormal locus that may be localized in the proximal part of the long arm of the X chromosome. We thus report the characterization of a new XL immunodeficiency that may correspond either to another XL locus or to an attenuated phenotype of XL SCID.