Measurement of the Relativistic Doppler Effect Using 8.6-MeV CaptureγRays

The energies of γ rays from the 10.27-MeV (T=1, Γ<1.8 keV)1.63MeV (T=0) transition in Ne20 have been measured in an annular Ge (Li) detector at 0 and 180°. O16(He4, γ) and He4(O16, γ) capture reactions in a differentially pumped gas target were used to produce recoiling Ne20 ions with two different very accurately known velocities. We observe a tranverse Doppler shift of 10.09 ± 0.41 keV for the O16 capture reaction. This allows us to determine relativistic time-dilation effects at velocities of 0.05c to an accuracy of 3.5%. Our results are in very good agreement with the prediction of special relativity.