Topographic atlas of somatostatin‐containing neuron system in the avian brain in relation to catecholamine‐containing neuron system. II. Mesencephalon, rhombencephalon, and spinal cord

With the indirect immunofluorescence technique of Coon's and collaborators, overall distribution of the somatostatin (SRIF)-positive neuron system in the avian lower brain stem was explored. Numerous cell somata containing SRIF were identified in the interpeduncular nucleus and substantia grisea centralis (GCT) at the level of the nucleus nervi trochlearis. Furthermore, a moderate number of SRIF-positive neurons were seen in the tectum opticum, nucleus tractus solitarii, and spinal cord. Scattered labeled cells were noticed in the rhombencephalon. A dense network of SRIF-positive fibers was distributed widely in the lower brain stem of birds. Their locations corresponded in many cases to the areas where SRIF-positive neurons were found. The present study also presents the distribution of the catecholamine (CA) neuron system in the avian lower brain stem. Possible interactions between SRIF and CA neuron systems are briefly discussed.