Electroabsorption near the n = 1 lines of the yellow and green series of Cu2O

The effect of an ac electric field on the n = 1 lines of the yellow and green series of Cu2O has been studied at 4.2°K using single crystals, polarized light, and a modulation technique. In the field, an “ignition” of the two lines λ = 6098 Å and λ = 5830 Å is observed. This ignition effect depends on the geometry of the experiment, and gives information on the nature of both transitions as well as on the bands involved in the formation of these IS excitons. The line λ corresponds to an orthoexcitonic electric quadrupole transition Γ, while the line λ is a mixed electric quadrupole Γ and magnetic dipole Γ transition, with a stronger magnetic dipole character.