Return to Work as an Integrative Outcome Measure Following Traumatic Brain Injury

In recent years we have witnessed the growing recognition of the centrality of work involvement in the successful rehabilitation of brain injured patients. Evidence from studies conducted at Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital (LRH) and from other studies, points to a strong and consistent positive association between employment and social integration, leisure activities, enhanced self-esteem, and perceived quality of life. Patients surviving severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) often suffer from residual impairments in motor control, communication skills, cognition, and social behaviour. These distinctly hamper their capability to return to work and to continue working for an extended period of time. Comprehensive and integrated rehabilitation programmes, such as those employed in LRH, were proven to be effective in returning patients to stable employment. This was demonstrated in the results of our recent follow-up study of 334 severe TBI patients, which indicated that 55.7% were gainfully employed 8-13 years post-discharge from LRH.