An isolate of Maclura mosaic virus (MacMV) obtained after 4 successive passages through single lesions on Chenopodium amaranticolor had flexuous elongated particles with a normal length of 672 nm and a sedimentation velocity relative to marker viruses of 155S. Infected cells always contained cylindrical (pinwheel-type) inclusions; MacMV may be a potyvirus. Other properties of MacMv, were not typical of potyviruses: its coat protein had a molecular mass of 45,000-48,000 daltons; the uncorrected and corrected values of A280/260 were 0.94 and 1.04, respectively; the buoyant density in CsCl was 1.307 g/cm3; and peculiar granular structures aligning the surface of the particles were sometimes seen in crude sap preparations but not in purified preparations. The virus showed no pronounced reactions with antisera to 1 tobamovirus, 10 potexviruses, 10 carlaviruses, 2 closteroviruses or 15 potyviruses.