Biosynthesis of Hordenine in Tissue Homogenates of Panicum miliaceum L

A quantitative, paper chromatographic procedure revealed that hordenine is formed from tyramine and the methyl donors, methionine or methionine sul-foxide, in homogenates of the shoots of P. miliaceum (proso). It was not possible to detect the formation of hordenine in root .homogenates under the conditions employed. Small amounts of N-methyltyramine were also detected in the shoot homogenates. This may be considered as presumptive evidence for the formation of hordenine from similar precursors in the shoot of the intact seedling. Hordenine disappeared from the shoots of intact proso seedlings between 15-20 days following germination. Significance of the results is discussed with reference to the limited number of plants in which the shoot synthesis of alkaloids has been established and to the occurence of hordenine in the roots of barley seedlings.