Determination of spikelet number in wheat. II.* Effect of varying light level on ear development

The effects of two light levels (0.98 and 4.90 cal cm-2 hr-1) on rate of development and spikelet number per ear were studied in eight wheat cultivars grown under a 16 hr photoperiod at 20°C. The objective was to ascertain how light affects spikelet number. At the lower light level the durations of the vegetative, spikelet and ear elongation phases were greater, but the number of spikelets per ear, number of phytomers present at floral initiation, final leaf number, number of phytomers that were converted into spikelets, apex length at floral initiation and rate of spikelet initiation were smaller than at the higher light level. Responses to varying light level for a11 these parameters were similar for different cultivars, but the sizes of the responses differed. Within a given cultivar, an increase in spikelet number was associated with longer apices at floral initiation and a higher rate of spikelet initiation. It was concluded that these two factors are important determinants of spikelet number. ___________________ *Part I, Aust. J. Agric, Res., 28: 565 (1977).