The Adriatic region: An independent microplate within the Africa‐Eurasia collision zone

We use GPS measurements and block modeling to investigate the present‐day deformation of the Adriatic region, whose kinematics within the Nubia‐Eurasia plate boundary zone is not well constrained and remains controversial. Block modeling allows us to compute rigid‐plate angular velocities while accounting for elastic strain accumulation along block‐bounding faults. Results suggest that the Adriatic is a microplate (Adria) and that the southern boundary with the Nubia plate and the Aegean domain may be located along the Apulia Escarpment and the Kefallinia fault. Geodetic data alone cannot discriminate between a single block (AP) or a two blocks (GDAP) description of Adria, but the GDAP model predicts boundary slip rates that are in better agreement with observations from previous studies.