The purpose of this paper is to report progress in the design of permalloy overlay bubble circuits in which conducting paths in the permalloy carry the currents required to perform the control functions necessary in a major‐minor loop organized magnetic bubble mass memory chip. A versatile chevron‐based building block has been found which can perform transfer or replication between chevron major and minor loops. A similar structure can be used to nucleate bubbles into a chevron propagation path. The all‐permalloy control functions required in a mass memory chip have been demonstrated with 10 Oe bias field margins at 100 kHz in a 25 Oe rotating field. A memory chip using these functions would also require a nonmagnetic conductor level which, though not directly involved in the control functions, is necessary to return their currents. This level would contain features gross by comparison with the permalloy features, and could be processed last, following deposition of a spacing layer on the bubble film and processing of the permalloy layer on top of that.