Glial neuronal signaling in the central nervous system

Glial cells are known to interact extensively with neuronal elements in the brain, influencing their activity. Astrocytes associated with synapses integrate neuronal inputs and release transmitters that modulate synaptic sensitivity. Glial cells participate in formation and rebuilding of synapses and play a prominent role in protection and repair of nervous tissue after damage. For glial cells to take an active part in plastic alterations under physiological conditions and pathological disturbances, extensive specific signaling, both within single cells and between cells, is required. In recent years, intensive research has led to our first insight into this signaling. We know there are active connections between astrocytes in the form of networks promoting Ca2+ and ATP signaling; we also know there is intense signaling between astrocytes, microglia, oligodendrocytes, and neurons, with an array of molecules acting as signaling substances. The cells must be functionally integrated to facilitate the enormous dynamics of and capacity for reconstruction within the nervous system. In this paper, we summarize some basic data on glial neuronal signaling to provide insight into synaptic modulation and reconstruction in physiology and protection and repair after damage.
Funding Information
  • Vetenskapsrådet (33X-06812, 21X-13015)