Aging mechanisms in Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-based relaxor ferroelectrics

The complex perovskite Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 [PMN] is just one of many relaxor ferroelectncs having the general formula Pb(B1B2)O3. PMN, and solid solutions thereof with PbTiO3 [PT] and Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 [PZN], as well as other relaxor compositions, are excellent materials for use in a wide range of applications including electrostrictive actuators,1 multilayer capacitors,2 and pyroelectric bolometers.3 For any of these applications it is imperative that dielectric aging be minimal. Past studies4–13, on aging in relaxor ferroelectrics (primarily PLZT and PMN) have shown the aging rate depends on many variables including processing parameters, microstructure, dopant content, point defects, etc. Though great strides have been made with respect to modelling dielectric properties of relaxors, the lack of detailed information concerning defect structure, conduction, and ordering still hinders theoretical interpretation of aging results.