Linkage‐disequilibrium of the senegal haplotype with the βs gene in the republic of guinea

We have determined the β gene cluster haplotype in 40 chromosomes carrying the βs mutation from individuals of the major ethnic groups living in the Republic of Guinea. Thirty-one of these were either the typical (n = 29) or the atypical (n = 2) Senegal haplotype demonstrating that in this region of Atlantic West Africa, the sickle mutation is in linkage disequilibrium with this particular β-gene cluster haplotype. Two individuals carrying one chromosome bearing the Benin haplotype were of Malinke ethnic origin. This is in keeping with the hypothesis that the Senegal β-gene cluster haplotype is linked to the βs gene in Atlantic West Africa.
Funding Information
  • NIH (HL 38664)
  • European Community (TS3-CT93-0244/ DG 12HSMU)