While an endodermis in the leaf is a relatively rare occurrence amongst the Angiosperms, its presence has been noted as being fairly constant in a number of families; but it is only in the case of a few of these families that it has been treated in sufficient detail to indicate its representation generically. Mylius (8), in particular, has examined the foliar endodermis of the Myrtaceæ, the Onagraceæ, and the Rosaceæ; especially the latter family, in which he makes a comprehensive investigation of the genera Spiræa, Alchemilla, Fragaria, Potentilla, Rosa, Agrimonia, and Sanguisorba (Poterium) from this standpoint. An endodermis has also been recorded as present in the leaves of certain Monocotyledonous families of which the Bromeliaceæ, Orchidaceæ, and Gramineæ (tribe Festuceæ) are examples quoted by Haberlandt (4, p. 368 sqq.) from the work of Rimbach, Schwendener, and van Wisselingh.

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