Serotypes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in clinical specimens in relation to antibiotic susceptibility

Hospital strains (98) of P. aeruginosa isolated from 6 different hospitals in Athens [Greece] were serotyped by a slide agglutination test with unabsorbed commercial antisera. Serotypes O6, O11, O12 and pool E strains (strains that agglutinated only in pool E, which contained antisera against O2, O5, O15 and O16 antigens, but did not agglutinate in the individual antisera) predominated, accounting for > 62% of all isolates tested. In respect to serotypes, there was no apparent correlation with hospital of origin, most strains of serotypes O6 and O11 were sensitive to gentamicin and carbenicillin most strains of pool E were from urine and were resistant to these drugs, all 9 strains of serotype O12 tested were resistant to carbenicillin and all 5 strains tested hydrolyzed this drug and 24 of 25 strains of pool E were resistant to carbenicillin but only 2 of 17 strains hydrolyzed it.