Growth Response of Turkey Poults to Fractions of Soybean Meal

A study was conducted to concentrate and characterize the component of soybean meal which has been reported to improve the growth of turkey poults. A water extract of raw soybean meal increased the growth of turkey poults when added to purified diets based on isolated soybean protein or casein-gelatin. The factor could be extracted from heated soybean meal with methanol. This factor appeared to be partially dialyzable, and insoluble in phenol. Extraction of the water extract with methanol brought about a concentration of the growth factor in the methanol-soluble portion. The factor appeared to be organic in nature, although a small response to the ash was also obtained. Extraction of the methanol-soluble fraction with chloroform-methanol inactivated or destroyed the factor. The growth factor could be made unavailable to the poult by reacting it with acetic anhydride. It was then reactivated by KOH hydrolysis.