Thermal conductivity and specific heat of pure and iodine doped polyacetylene (CH)x

A measurement of the thermal conductivity and the specific heat of pure and iodine doped samples of polyacetylene (CH)x are presented here. The thermal conductivity of pure (CH)x is about 75 mW/cm . K at room temperature and decreases monotonically to 1.6 mW/cm . K at 25 K. The specific heat dependence with temperature is roughly linear from about 0.5 J/cm3 . K at 300 K down to 0.04 J/cm3 . K at 25 K. Then the sample was doped in situ and two iodine concentrations were studied : 1.5 % and 4 %. Within experimental error no change in the specific heat behaviour was observed after this operation, but the thermal conductivity increased significantly. The change was ∼ 5 mW/cm . K for the 4 % doped sample at room temperature and could be attributed to a charge carriers contribution. Assuming Wiedeman-Franz law to hold in this case, one finds that the intrinsic electrical conductivity is about 700 times higher than the measured value

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