Some properties of two-dimensional inverse energy cascade dynamics

In this work we analyze the degree of homogeneity and stationarity of the transfers in the inverse energy cascade of two-dimensional turbulence. Two extreme cases, namely, a well-developed inverse energy cascade in a robust statistically steady state and the collision of two vortices of the same sign, which is a clear illustration of a nonstationary cascade regime, are studied. We consider the absolute transfer ηl at scale l produced by the nonlinear term of the Navier-Stokes equation. The scaling properties of the transfer hierarchy 〈ηlp+1〉/〈ηlp〉∼lδp are examined. We define Δ=(δ-δ0)/ζ3*, where ζ3* is the scaling of the third-order structure function of absolute velocity increments, δ0 is a quantity tracing the smallest but most frequent transfers, and δ characterizes the largest but rarest transfers. We show that Δ plays a fundamental role in the scaling description of the cascade dynamics. In two-dimensional energy cascade, the important property of the relationship between the scaling of the structure functions and the distribution of the heterogeneities in the physical space given by (δ -δ0 ) is the invariance of Δ. Finally, we determine the physical meaning of the formally introduced adjustable parameters in She-Leveque [Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 336 (1994)] and Dubrulle [Phys Rev. Lett. 73, 7 (1994); 73, 959 (1994)] intermittency models.